Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Ultimate Aim

The souls of people are the only thing of real importance on this earth, plus the Spirit of God who already infuses some and wants to infuse the rest.  So I will dedicate all I am to the worth of those souls, so that they may be comforted, saved and renewed.  All I do, all that I invest, spend will be for those souls and the God who created and loves them.  Nothing else matters.  Wealth, status, career - even the smallest of luxuries or comfort for myself - it doesn’t matter, because when this earthly life ends and there’s just heaven left before me, there will be no college degree or cable television or sizable paychecks or skinny jeans or anything but souls and God.

So for those I will work.  In those I will place all worth and let all else fade away, because all else really will fade away one day.  I will set my treasure in heaven where moths and rust will not destroy, where thieves won’t steal (Matthew 6:19).  I will invest everything in what matters, what will last.  And I know that includes nothing that is so self-focused.  God will take care of me - I don’t need to be concerned with any sort of self-advancement (selfish ambition, if you will, to pull a term from the Bible - Philippians 2:3 NKJV).  I just really need to pour into those around me and be totally and only consumed by God.  He and His people are my only aim.  I won’t even put myself on the list, because He’s taking care of me.  All I want is all I need and this is Him.  So here I am at His service and at the service of the souls He created.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Of course this kind of life is not possible in and of myself, but rather by the power of the Holy Spirit of God who dwells inside of me.  Feel like I should’ve prefaced that with “disclaimer” haha

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is kind in its patience

I think it's notable how in 1 Corinthians 13:4 when it says "Love suffers long and is kind", that the "suffers long" and "kind" is included in the same breath.  They go together.  As if to say, love goes through all this mess for another and yet still retains kindness  Even as you are suffering, you are still kind.  It does not suffer on behalf of another then treat them spitefully for it.  Love takes the full brunt of another, even when it really hurts and still is kind throughout all of it.  That's amazing.  You can suffer through a person's crap and be mean about it and feel justified for that meanness - sneer at them as you're taking care of them, but that's not love.  Love is suffering through a person's crap with a sincere smile.  Treating them kindly even when it's really hard.

I think that's beautiful.